The Attack of the Toilet

We were just starting our math lesson when L came into the classroom crying. I immediately rushed over to her and asked what happened. I was able to piece together her story in between her sobs. Apparently when she was using the restroom her hair bow fell into the toilet. It was the special bow that her great grandmother hand-made that she had been wearing since kindergarten. She said she tried to grab it, but it got flushed.

“Ok everyone, work on 38 + 42 please!” I exclaimed to the class.

L and I raced towards the restroom across the hall. Unfortunately it was being used. We waited outside for a few seconds, but then we heard a FLUSHHHHHH.

“Uh oh…” I said.

A girl came out and stared at us, wide eyed, as I propped the door open and L went inside. No bow.

We walked back across the hall and into our classroom to see our class diligently working on the addition problem.

“Is L ok?” someone asked.

“It’s so hard when you lose something that is really special to you,” another student replied.

“I hope you feel better, L,” said another.

I felt so sad for L’s unfortunate loss, but I also felt so proud at the empathy our class showed toward a teammate.

“I hate automatic flushers” L said later.

We all laughed and I knew everything would be ok.

3 thoughts on “The Attack of the Toilet

  1. Oh, no! What a moment! I could just imagine the two of you outside the bathroom, hearing that FLUSH! and then the Uh oh….. How wonderful that your class was truly empathetic and that L was able to bounce back.


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