SOLC Day 22: The Stink

“Hey, did you smell that skunk?”

“What?” I asked.

“That skunk! Ew! Didn’t you see it on the side of the road?”

“Um.. no, I didn’t… want to hear something weird? I don’t actually mind skunk smell,” I replied softly.


“I know! I was talking to my sister on the phone and remember smelling it, but definitely didn’t react” I said

“You know what, years ago I was in this Outward Bound program and we had to divide ourselves into groups based on what smells we like that most people don’t.” my colleague said.

“Don’t tell me you like gasoline” I chuckled.

“Yep, I love it! But don’t worry, there were people who liked skunk smell too.”

“Okay, phew.” I said. “But gosh, what were the other smells people liked?”

“Dump smell, diapers, and tires.”

Yikes. Maybe skunk isn’t so weird after all.

4 thoughts on “SOLC Day 22: The Stink

  1. You did a great job using dialogue to capture this moment. Now I’m wondering what odd smells I actually might enjoy or at least not mind. I think I’ll be more olfactorilly alert today at school…which could be dangerous with that stomach bug running rampant!


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