SOL #10: A Surprise

3 boxes of Caramel Delights and 2 boxes of Thin Mints appeared on my desk.

I immediately sent an email to my husband. “The Girl Scout Cookies are here!!” I wrote. Wait. I have a better idea.  I quickly erased it and wrote “I have a surprise for you!” and sent it.

“What is it?” he wrote back.

“A great surprise!” I replied.

My husband has had a tough few weeks. He is a medical resident and works insane hours. In March, for example, he only has 2 days off. Some days it seems like there is nothing for him to look forward to. Until now! He LOVES Caramel Delights. He is the one that made me track down Girl Scouts to order not 1 or 2, but 3 boxes of cookies. So I thought I would make the arrival of the cookies more interesting.

I got home I put the boxes on the kitchen table. This would be a nice place to put them. He would see them right when he walked in the door, but it would not be that exciting. He might even be so tired that he will walk right by them! Instead I decided to make it more fun and I hid the cookies in a place that he couldn’t miss. I hid the boxes in our bed.oookies 1

I pulled the blankets over the cookies and let out a devilish little giggle. Even though no one was home, I tiptoed out of our room.

cookies 2.jpg

When it was close to the time he would leave the hospital I sent him a text:

“You will find your surprise in your favorite spot in the house!”

He immediately called me and told me he was on his way home. “What is it? What is it?” he asked.

“You’ll have to find it.” I said. “Byeeee”

“Wait!” he said. “Do you want to go out and do something when I get home? I can’t believe I am saying this because I’m so tired and it’s only Wednesday, but I want to go do something. I had a great day.”

What? I thought, he wants to go out somewhere? On a weeknight? When he has to work 9 more days until he reaches a day off? Woohoo!

He got home 15 minutes later and started his search. He looked in a few places and finally he walked into our bedroom. He threw the covers off the bed.

“YES CARAMEL DELIGHTS! These are the best!!!!” He gave me the biggest hug and had a huge smile on his face. “So let’s go get Mexican food!” he said.

My husband had a great day today! Maybe it was because it was our first day of Spring-like weather or because he had less patients than usual. Or maybe it was because of a secret surprise that was waiting for him when he got home.





4 thoughts on “SOL #10: A Surprise

  1. It is always wonderful to have a little surprise in store for someone you love. Oh, I can relate! My husband is a big fan of Girl Scout cookies – who doesn’t like thin mints! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Cute, Cindy! I can’t imagine your husband’s schedule and love how you tried to add something positive to his day. I’m so glad that you got to enjoy a night out. That’s even a better treat than boxes of Girl Scout cookies!


  3. I am going with him anticipating your surprise as the reason for the great day!!
    You are a thoughtful wife and I loved reading how your story unfolded step by step.
    My daughters always loved when I mailed them GS cookies in a March Care Package!
    For them, it was Samoas and Thin Mints!


  4. What a fun slice! I love the lead…just the thought of Girl Scout cookies drew me right in. And then, “Or maybe it was because of a secret surprise that was waiting for him when he got home,” drew it to a beautiful and delightful conclusion. Your joy comes through this slice loud and clear. Loved it!


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